Saturday, January 3, 2009


A home with a washer and dryer, makes things less stress free with better living conditions. The make and model will dictate the amount of heat, energy, and electricity used - a year. Since most dryers suck outside air and kick out out air, but other dyers use water (condenser dyers) don't expel hot air, causing your house to use less elect icy on air conditions costs; while living a comfortable environment.

BBB Reliability Program Member

So, a vent less cloths dryers dry the cloths without the hot air; seen with most dryers. Whereby, without having to tramp to a laundry mat where the hot air is expeled; as condenser dryers avoid the wait in line. Condensed dryers do not discharged the hot air, but the air air condenser and the hot air fluid runs down the drain.

Thereby, washing and drying cloths without heating your apartment, provides better living situations.