Saturday, January 3, 2009

dinosaur egg

Museum fossils are unique that you are the first person to see a fossil after millions of years. A dig surrounding fossils, echoing a pond provides many assortment of fossils - by exploring different areas of uncovered earth.
A tooth at 8 centimeters long can be larger than a man's head, as these creatures had to replace their teeth; throughout their life. So, many reptiles have teeth that are K9 dog with like; simulates.
So, bacteria had natural anti-freeze to prevent toxic growth in the dinosaur's mouth. In contrast, squid like - Nautilus shell animals; had a soft shell at 25 centimeters which ate fish as the gut is different than a meat eating animal. So, underwater fossils shed a different light on ancient life.

How'd you like to drive this 60 foot baby through the streets of NYC? (c)AMNH 32KB

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