Do you know how natural scientists responded to recent natural disasters, from rockslides in Yosemite National Park to volcanoes in the Philippines? An article describing what those scientists did is part of a newsletter, "Scientists in Action!," from the U.S. Geological Survey. Additional articles depict the work of biologists, geologists, cartographers, and other scientists--exploring the ocean floor, preparing dinosaur bones for display, and solving the mystery of three-legged frogs, for example.
The newsletter, with 15 oversized, full-color pages, gives readers a glimpse of natural sciences careers, especially those with the Federal Government. For a free copy of "Scientists in Action!," call 1 (888) 275-8747 or write USGS Information Services, PO Box 25286, Denver, CO 80225.
Source Citation
"Earth work: careers in the natural sciences. (Grab Bag)." Occupational Outlook Quarterly Spring 2002: 49. Gale Power Search. Web. 28 July 2011.
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